Ye Faerie Hymnal
Some of the chants and hymns have musical transcripts and
mp3 audio files.
And The Spirit
By Susan Arrow
And the Spirit, and the Spirit goes on, goes on,
And the Spirit, and the Spirit goes on, goes on.
Loving, living, taking, giving, short or long, short or long,
Loving, living, taking, giving, short or long, short or long.
And the Spirit, and the Spirit goes on, goes on,
And the Spirit, and the Spirit goes on, goes on.
Just as rain comes with healing showers, or thunderclouds,
We shape our landscape above the ocean and rise as clouds.
And the Spirit, and the Spirit goes on, goes on,
And the Spirit, and the Spirit goes on, goes on.
Friends and lovers, sisters, brothers, carry on, carry on,
Friends and lovers, sisters, brothers, carry on, carry on.
And the Spirit, and the Spirit goes on, goes on,
And the Spirit, and the Spirit goes on, goes on.
Just as a stone thrown into the water sends ripples wide,
Our courage teaches, our loving reaches through space and time.
And the Spirit, and the Spirit goes on, goes on,
And the Spirit, and the Spirit goes on, goes on.
Loving, living, taking, giving, short or long, short or long,
Loving, living, taking, giving, short or long, short or long.
And the Spirit, and the Spirit goes on, goes on,
And the Spirit, and the Spirit goes on, goes on.
All Will Be Well
Author Unkown
All Will Be Well, All Will Be Well,
All manner of things will be well.
Earth will be well, we will be well,
All manner of things will be well.
Angels Of Healing
By Lisa Thiel
Blessed Angels, come to me, heal my spirit, mind, and body.
Blessed Angels, come to me, heal my spirit, mind, and body.
Blessed angels of green and gold, heal my heart and heal my soul,
Blessed angels of violet and blue, open my eyes to the vision of truth.
Air I Am
By Andras Corbin Arthan
Air I am, Fire I am,
Water, Earth, and Spirit I am.
Air Moves Us
By Cathleen Shell, Moonsea, Prune
Air moves us,
Fire transforms us,
Water shapes us,
Earth heals us.
The balance of the wheel goes round and round,
The balance of the wheel goes round.
Animal Spirits
Author Unknown
When I run, let me run like a deer,
When I fight, let me fight like a mother bear,
When I hide, let me hide like a fox,
Learn to strike like a rattlesnake.
Animal spirits, I am calling to you,
Vanishing spirits, come to me now,
I need your strength to fight against a common enemy,
Animal spirits, live in me.
Let my trickiness be that of the coyote,
Not directed at my people or myself,
But at those who won’t let us be.
Aphrodite’s Song
Adapted By Sparky T. Rabbit, 1984
Let those of (us) now who have never loved,
Let those who have loved, love again.
I love alone,
And she says, “I may be known.
By love alone, I may be known.
Love is the law that I know.
All things live and are my own;
From me they come, to me they go.
Anthem To The Sun
By Rick Hamouris
We sing an anthem to the sun,
As you reach your peak of power.
Ever shorter days become,
For like a tide your light must flow and ebb
Until the cycle’s done.
We draw inside your warm embrace,
And drink the love you give so freely.
Winter’s gone without a trace.
We offer songs of joy and ask for strength
To heal the human race.
On all the treasures that abound,
All the roots of gentle summer,
Your shining fingers can be found.
Soft caresses keep the grasses green
That spread around the world.
You weave your pattern in the sky
And leave a lesson in your passing;
For each new life a thing must die.
See how all the while the wheel still turns
From darkness into light.
The Beginning Of The Earth
By Delaney Johnson And Starhawk
The ocean is the beginning of the Earth.
The ocean is the beginning of the Earth.
All life comes from the sea.
All life comes from the sea.
Sufi Islamia Ruhamat Society
May the blessings of love rest upon you
May God’s peace abide with you
May God’s presence illuminate your heart
Now and forever more.
Barge Of Heaven (Courtship of Innana And Dumuzi)
Adapted From Sumerian Text By Starhawk, 1987
Your crescent shape a part of heaven
So well belaid, so well realized
Full of loveliness like the new moon
Full of loveliness like the new moon
Your fertile fields well watered
Your fertile fields well watered
Heal our plants well watered, too
Heal our plants well watered, too
At your mighty rising
At your mighty rising
The vines rise up and the fields rise up
The vines rise up and the fields rise up
And the desert blooms in green
And the desert blooms in green
Just like a living garden
Just like a living garden
In the heat of the sun, you are the shade, a well of water in a dry, dry land
In the heat of the sun, you are the shade, a well of water in a dry, dry land
Swelling fruit to feed the hungry, sweet cream to quench our thirst
Swelling fruit to feed the hungry, sweet cream to quench our thirst
In the heat of the sun, you are the shade, a well of water in a dry, dry land.
Blessed Am I
Author Unknown
Blessed am I,
Spirit am I,
I am the infinite
within my soul.
I have no beginning
and I see no end.
Oh, this I am.
Blood Of The Ancients
By Ellen Klaver
It’s the blood of the ancients
That runs through our veins,
And the forms pass,
But the circle of life remains.
Beautiful Goddess
By Cindie Sallee
Beautiful Goddess,
Save our green pastures,
Walk in fair meadows,
Linger ’till sunrise,
Chasing your lover,
The union at dawning.
Shimmering lady,
Awaiting your consort,
Greet the night, enter
Your compliment perfect,
Lying together,
The universe forming.
Smile on us pagans,
Enjoying each other,
Lifting our laughter,
Thirsting for nectar,
Raising the power,
Singing your praises.
Once there were people,
Who shared in a vision,
Laughing and loving,
Past, present, and future,
Making sweet music,
In praise of all nature.
Friends gathered round them,
In strength and in promise,
Watching the changes,
Feeling and knowing,
Hear the voice rising,
The vision is growing.
Beautiful Goddess,
Save our green pastures,
Walk in fair meadows
Linger ’till sunrise,
Chasing your lover,
The union at dawning.
Birthday Song
DC Radical Faeries
It’s your birthday! Your birthday!
Your coming to the Earth Day.
It’s your birthday! Your birthday!
Your coming to the Earth Day.
We are so glad that you are here.
We are so glad that you are Queer.
We are so glad that you are near
to us today. Hey!
Come on make a wish. Now name it.
Sun and Moon and Stars proclaim it.
God and Goddess, All will frame it
for your birthday… make a wish!
Transcription in PDF format
Audio in MP3 format
Born Of Water
From Kate Kaufman’s Coven, Madison, WI
Born of water,
Cleansing, powerful,
Healing, changing,
We are.
by Birago Diop, as performed by Sweet Honey in the Rock
Listen more often to things than to beings.
Listen more often to things than to beings.
‘Tis the ancestors’ breath, when the fire’s voice is heard.
‘Tis the ancestors’ breath in voice of the waters…
Those who have died have never, never left,
The dead are not under the Earth,
They are in the rustling trees,
They are in the groaning woods,
They are in the crying grass,
They are in the moaning rock,
The dead are not under the Earth.
Those who have died have never, never left,
The dead have a pact with the living,
They are in the woman’s breast,
They are in the wailing child,
They are with us in the home,
They are with us in the ground,
The dead have a pact with the living
Listen more often…
Bringing In The May
By Rick Hamouris
If you survive the night of madness,
If you survive it(s) crazy spin,
Then you shall dance around the hope,
Take what’s tattered, make it whole,
And the pattern of the world you weave before you will unfold.
Chorus: Counterpoint:
Bringing in the May, Cauldron of changes, blossom & bone,
Bringing in the May, Rock of eternity, whole in the stone. QUESTION WORDING “WHOLE?”
Bringing in the May, Cauldron of changes, blossom & bone,
Bringing in the May, Rock of eternity, whole in the stone.
And now the quarters we must cross,
Between the equal and extreme.
we know that Mars’ dance is done,
So that all can feel the Sun,
As it penetrates our flesh and blood and spirit born as one.
(Chorus) and Counterpoint).
A living circle cast in love,
With friends and strangers as one voice,
Upon that strong and fallen steel,
We project an ancient will,
Sending power all around the world, protecting you and heal.
(Chorus) and Counterpoint).
Brothers Remembered
By Emerald For Wings And Waves Gathering, Fall 1990
Brothers remembered, brothers very dear,
Come to join this circle, let us feel you drawing near.
Brothers on your journey, brothers lovely, queer,
Come, now, to the circle, let us feel your presence here.
Gone but not forgotten,
Dwelling now in other worlds,
We cling to loving memories,
Hold them dear like strings of pearls.
Burn Bright
By Nicholas Sea, 1980
Burn bright, flame within me
Kindled of eternal fire
Of the people I do be
And the people part of me
All one in many parts
A single fire of flaming hearts
Calling On The Spirits
By Charlie Murphy
Calling on the spirits of the future,
Calling on the lifetimes yet to come,
Send courage to the present generation,
Help us find the strength to carry on.
Calling on the spirits of the ancients,
Calling on the wise ones of the past,
Illuminate the vision of the people,
Help us keep our feet upon the path.
Calling on the guardians of the planet,
Calling on all people now alive,
With vision of the past and memory of the future,
Claiming our power to survive.
Can’t Stop The Spirit
By Naomi Little Bear
Can’t stop the spirit,
She’s like a mountain,
Old and strong,
She goes on and on.
This chant also has a bunch more verses, plus circles
would often make them up by replacing “mountain” with
other words, then using a different third and possibly also
last lines reflecting the qualities of the new word choice.
Cauldron Of Changes
Oothoon Of St. Louis, MO
Cauldron of changes, blossom of bone,
Ark of eternity, hole in the stone.
Cauldron Of The Ocean
By Haragano, 1988
She comes as a wave from the cauldron of the ocean,
Swept to the shore, transformed once more.
Chant From The Hill
Author Unknown
Faerie hill, faerie wood,
Faerie skin and bells and brotherhood.
Father Sky, Mother Earth,
Sun and Moon and Rain which give us birth.
Children Of The Goddess
By Phil Wayne
We are the children of the Goddess,
We are the children of delight,
We are the children of her pleasure,
We are the children of the night.
Chill Of The Night
A Faerie Chant For Sowen, 1985
It is the chill of the night,
It is the dark,
We live, we pass, we die.
It is the chill of the night,
It is the dark,
Fear lives, fear passes, fear dies.
It is the chill of the night,
It is the dark,
Hate lives, hate passes, hate dies.
Circle Casting Song
By Athanor Fellowship
The moon is high, at the witching hour,
Children come, to the place of power,
Our hands are raised to four directions,
Spirit force is born again.
Between the worlds we cast a circle
Never ending, universal.
We are filled with spirit power,
Bring (send) it down, complete the charm.
Circle Casting Song 2
By Changing Woman, 1988
All around the wheel from the center from the hub,
Moving faster, faster, faster, circles made of love.
North, Mother Earth, dressed in velvet green,
Help us keep our pledge to leave this planet clean.
Breath of the East, like us for today,
Sing a song of love while we work and play.
South, dance the dance, spiral to and fro,
Spark like a flame, trust is letting go.
Spirit of the West, eternally she flows,
Love is within, won’t you laugh and let it show.
Center of the circle, Spirits soaring higher,
All around the wheel, Air, Earth, Water, Fire.
Circling Song
Author Unknown
We are men of the loving circle,
We are lovemen who circle the world.
Shoulder to shoulder standing for hope.
Hand into hand reaching for love.
Arm into arm gathering joy,
Heart into heart cherishing truth.
Body to body raising our cocks.
We praise the beauty of brotherhood.
We are men of the loving circle.
We are lovemen who circle the world.
Circular Motion
By Donovan
Happiness runs in a circular motion,
Love is like a little boat upon the sea.
Everybody is a part of everything everywhere,
You can be happy if you let yourself be.
Come Brothers, Come
By Sparky T. Rabbit, 1982
Come, brothers, come to the radiant Sun; O Horned One!
I see [name of loved one] in the radiant sun; O Horned One!
Coming Into My Own
By Albert At Okanagen Healing Gathering, Spring 1990
I’m a strong, loving man and I’m coming into my own.
I’m a strong, loving man and I’m coming into my own.
I feel a power rising, there ain’t no use disguising,
I’m a strong, loving man and I’m coming into my own.
I can trust my sisters and respect what they have to say.
I can trust my sisters and respect what they have to say.
I feel a power rising, there ain’t no use disguising,
I can trust my sisters and respect what they have to say.
I’m a kind, gentle man and I’m coming into my own.
I’m a kind, gentle man and I’m coming into my own.
I feel a power rising, there ain’t no use disguising,
I’m a kind, gentle man and I’m coming into my own.
I can touch my brothers and feel that it’s okay.
I can touch my brothers and feel that it’s okay.
I feel a power rising, there ain’t no use disguising,
I can touch my brothers and feel that it’s okay.
I’m a full-hearted man and I’m coming into my own.
I’m a full-hearted man and I’m coming into my own.
I feel a power rising, there ain’t no use disguising,
I’m a full-hearted man and I’m coming into my own.
I’m a creature of nature and I’m coming into my own.
I’m a creature of nature and I’m coming into my own.
I feel a power rising, there ain’t no use disguising,
I’m a creature of nature and I’m coming into my own.
Cone Of Power Song
By Selena Fox
We circle round the fire,
To raise a cone of power,
To bring what we desire,
Oh, so may it be.
Weave the magic by the moonlight,
Dance the circle, all night long.
Weave the magic by the moonlight,
Dance and sing the witch’s (faeries’) song.
Cornmother Chant
By Lisa Thiel
Sacred Cornmother, come to me,
Make my way sacred, fill me with beauty.
Fill me with beauty,
Fill me with beauty,
Fill me with beauty,
That I may bring others beauty.
Crone Song
By Anodea Judith
The deep, dark lady, she finds you alone,
Dancing on the dark side of the moon.
When she steals into your heart,
You know that it’s always much too soon
To let go of the things you’ve been holding on to,
To know which way to move along to,
Deep in the night, all alone
There comes a crone.
Mother, Hecate, she stands at the crossroad
Waiting to see which way you will turn.
She guides you along in her infinite wisdom,
But her lessons are dark and not easy to learn.
And you trust in your heart that she will safely lead you on
Through the night’s cold dark into the dawn
Where, waiting alone, your dreams have shown,
The ancient crone.
Queen of the night, Sister Selena,
We stand in awe of your ancient ways.
Knowing the light of the moon will be seen
and the sun will be warm in the lengthening days.
But the winter’s cold and long and we seek your learning
As we call you inside where the wheel is turning
Toward a time of rebirth
for all the earth.
Come to us now, great Queen of the Heavens,
Kali, Athena, Hecate.
We dance your circle in pairs and in sevens
And ask your magic to show us the way
To begin this transformation
From within, we chant your invocation;
Come to us now, grandmother crone,
We call you home!
Dear Friends, Queer Friends
Adapted From Love Round, Also In This Collection
Dear friends, queer friends,
Let me tell you how I’m feeling,
You have given me such pleasure,
I love you so!
variation 2
Love, love, love, love
Fairies we are made for love
Love each other as ourselves
I love you so.
Transcription in PDF format
Audio in MP3 format
Deep Within My Heart
Author Unknown
Deep within my heart I hear the everlasting call,
Like the center of the sun, I radiate my love to all,
And the more that I give, well I wish to give some more,
It’s the way that I live and it’s what I’m living for.
Directions Chant
By Gil Morris (Orion Stormcrow)
It’s from Water that I come,
It’s to Earth that I must go,
I’m the Fire of transformation,
And the Winds of change that blow.
Demeter’s Song (The Wealthy One)
By Starhawk
I am the wealthy one.
I am the wealthy one.
All that I have, I give to you:
Blossom and bud, the leaf and promise of all to come,
The corn and wheat, the grass and the earth below your feet.
All that you have I give to you:
Rhythm and form, the lover’s smile and the worker’s arm,
Your blood and your breath, pleasure and sorrow, birth and death.
All that I am, I am in you:
The change that frees, the heart that cries and the hand that heals,
The eye that sees true, power to destroy and to renew.
All that I am, I am in you.
All that I am depends on you.
To Dreamland
One bring morning, when my work is done,
I’m gonna fly away home.
Fly away home to Dreamland,
Fly away home.
Earth Gave Us Birth
By Ayusha Homoko Of Earthfirst
For the Earth, she gave us birth,
There’s no denying She comes first.
When we work for trees and skies,
There will be no compromise.
The Earth Is Our Mother
Author Unknown
The Earth is Our Mother,
We must take care of her.
The Earth is Our Mother,
We must take care of her.
Heyanna, hoyanna, hey yan yan!
The sacred ground we walk upon,
With every step we take,
Her sacred ground we walk upon,
With every step we take.
Heyanna, hoyanna, hey yan yan!
The sacred waters nourish us,
With every drink we take,
Her sacred waters nourish us,
With every drink we take.
Heyanna, hoyanna, hey yan yan!
The sacred fires keep us warm,
It’s all the love we need,
Her sacred fires keep us warm,
It’s all the love we need.
Heyanna, hoyanna, hey yan yan!
The sacred air gives us strength,
To climb the mountains,
Her sacred air gives us strength,
To climb the mountains.
By Co’Lo’Neh, 1988
Air, fire, water, earth,
Elements of our earthly birth:
Join our circle here and now,
Come to us, come to us!
Faerie Shaman
by Anodea Judith, Philip Wayne
And they say in the night when the moon is riding high
And the stars steer their course in the sky,
That the Shaman of Faerie is singing his tune
Of the land they call Donovan, my home.
Shaman of Faerie and master of song,
He lived on the land he loved the best,
Woods were his temple, a mushroom his home,
With his love of peace and rest.
Trees were his children, the Faerie his kin,
And his songs touched the hearts of all men.
Where is the Shaman of Faerie today?
Tell me, when will we see his likes again?
Now, for his Goddess, he sings his own songs,
For our Lady has called him to her breast,
Far away in the Summerland, the Faeries are dancing
With the Shaman who has come to take his rest.
Festival Of Friends
Author Unknown
An elegant song won’t hold up long
When the palace falls and the parlor’s gone.
We all must leave, but it’s not the end.
We’ll meet again at the festival of friends.
Smiles and laughter and pleasant times,
There’s love in the world, but it’s hard to find.
I’m so glad I found you and I’d like to extend
An invitation to the festival of friends.
Some of us live and some of us die,
Someday, maybe, we will learn why.
Oh, open your heart and grow with what life sends;
That’s your ticket to the festival of friends.
Black snake highway, sheet metal ballet,
It’s just so much snow on a summer’s day.
Oh, whatever happens, you know it’s not the end,
We’ll meet again at the festival of friends.
Fill Us With Thy Love
By Lisa Thiel
Fill us with they love, fill us with thy light,
Fill us with they love, fill us with thy light,
Fill us with they love, fill us with thy light.
Make us strong, make us fearless,
Make us strong, make us fearless,
Make us strong, make us fearless.
Let all our power be the power of love,
Let all our power be the power of love,
Let all our power be the power of love.
Fly Like Eagles
Author Unknown
May we all fly like Eagles,
Flying so high!
Circling the Universe,
on wings of pure light.
Oh, Itchee Chai-Ee-Oo.
Oh, Ee-ai-oh.
Oh, how I love you,
and I always will.
Where we walk is holy –
Sacred is the ground –
Meadow, mountain, universe,
Listen to the sound,
Oh, Itchee, Chai-Ee-Oo.
Oh, Ee-ai-oh.
Oh, how I love you,
And I always will.
Food Chant
By Various Faeries
Ice cream, a pop tart and a pizza,
Pecan pie, Dove bars, banana.
alternate version per Starbuck
Ice Cream, a pop tart, chocolate latte,
Gellato, pizza, banana.
Free the Heart
by Diana EarthMission
Free the heart, let it go,
What we reap is what we sow.
From Thee I Receive
By Joseph And Nathan.
From thee I receive
to thee I give
Together we share
And from this we live.
Goddess Of The Night
By D.K.
We greet you goddess of the night,
Alive with uncreated light.
Together with all living things,
We rest beneath your faerie wings.
Grandmother Song
By Lisa Thiel
Grandmothers weaving the rainbow,
Grandmothers weaving the light,
Grandmothers weaving the rainbow,
Guide me on my spirit flight.
Guide me on my Spirit Journey
(repeat 3 times)
Grandmothers, make my say sacred,
Lead me on the path of light,
Grandmothers, awaken wisdom,
Help me on my Spirit Flight.
Grandmothers, women of wisdom,
Dance your sacred dance of light,
Sing your sacred songs of beauty,
Help me on my Spirit Flight.
Greek Goddess Chant
By Susan Arrow
Athena, grant me wisdom,
Hera, strength to outlive sorrow,
Artemis, teach me courage,
Hestea, take me home.
Aphrodite, please delight me,
Balbo, send me laughter rolling,
Hecate, guide my decisions,
Demeter, make me whole.
Green God
By Buffalo John
Green God/echo
Redwood God/echo
Living God of the Old Growth/echo
Hey, yo, hey, yo/echo
Come unto us/echo
Replace Redwood/Old Growth with combinations like the following: Apple/orchard; Grassland/prairie; Plankton/ocean; Spinach/garden
Author Unknown
My name is El-do-ra, ancient am I.
My branches danced with these mountains were young.
My roots are living bones that knit and heal the land,
My spirit soared—with the very first bird.
I am a guardian and my name is El-do-ra.
My name is O-lin-ae, River of Life.
Spirit born of silver mist, salmon and the sun.
I shelter man and eagle, nourish weeping willow and wheat.
I am the living blood—of your land.
I am a guardian and my name is O-lin-ae.
We all are guardians and the guardians shall be one.
When we stand and work together to do what must be done.
We can thunder like a river, shine like cedar in the sun.
Won’t you stand up for the future—won’t you sing out everyone?
We are the guardians and our names shall be one.
We call ourselves the Faeries, Guardians of Lore,
Keepers of the wisdom that guided us of yore.
We weave tales and laugh with the Spirits in joy,
We celebrate the man within—and also the boy.
We are the guardians, Faeries are we.
Happy Hippopotamus
Author Unknown
All I want is a happy hippopotamus, happy hippopotamus, happy hippopotamus,
All I want is a happy hippopotamus to keep me company.
A lion is fine, and so is a chimpanzee,
A tall giraffe can make me laugh,
But there’s only one thing for me…
I don’t want some slimy-imey-ocerous,
Duck-footed platypus,
Dog or a cat-a-puss,
I just want a happy hippopotamus to keep me company.
The Harvest
By Rick Hamouris
So the Sun King dies as the corn and the wheat
Feel the cool, steel scythe of the harvest.
Filled with joy, we weep for the love known and missed,
As we reap the seeds we have sown.
Gathering the crop we so carefully attended,
See how soon the basket fills,
And from season to season the days ever turn,
On the wheel of the year.
Blindness inside on the balance of the hours,
Only twice the circle brings,
Feed your soul on the power only healing can supply.
As the pendulum swings.
Soon comes the frost and solitude of winter,
Trust in the promise of the Spring,
God, the seeds we must carry, hold them close to your heart,
‘Till the warming of the star; be the steward that you are.
He Is Wild, He Is Free
By Feather Singing And K. Cat
He is wild, he is free,
He is dancing on the sea,
He’s a stone, he’s a bird,
He’s the seed in the corn.
Healing Song
By Charlie Murphy
You will sing a song to keep us warm,
And celebrate the path we’re on.
There is healing in the singing of our songs.
Let’s all join hands and calm the fears,
And hold on tight, and cry the tears,
In struggle, and freedom, we are one.
Hecate, Ceridwen
By Patricia Wit
Hecate, Ceridwen,
Dark Mother take us in.
Hecate, Ceridwen,
Let us be reborn.
Hiahno! Hiahno! Hiahno!
Traditional Native Chant
Manitae (Spirit)
Lehna lehna (Living in our hearts)
Coyote (Through our unit)
Hiahno! Hiahno! Hiahno! (Forever and ever and ever)
High, Holy Sun
Author Unknown
High, holy sun,
Stimulator, life giver.
Hine Ma Tov
Traditional Jewish Song
Hine ma tov oo manayim, shevet achim gam yachad.
Oh, what a world it would be if…
All men would live as brothers…
All women would live as sisters…
All people would live as humans…
Hold Me
Author Unknown
Hold me, hold me, never let me go.
Hold me like the leaves on the ends of the branches.
And when I die let me fly, le me fly,
Through the air like the leaves when they’re falling.
Hold me, hold me, never let me go.
Hold me like the stars in the sky high above me.
And when I die let me fly, let me fly,
Through the sky like the stars when they’re falling.
I Am A Circle
By Adele Getty
I am a circle,
I am healing you.
You are a circle,
You are healing me.
Unite us, be one.
Unite us, be as one.
I Am Here
By Greg Johnson, 1987
I am here, right here among you.
(3x 1st and last; 2x other times)
I am the east wind, I am the sun’s rising,
I am the breezes blowing, I am your body breathing.
I am the south wind, I am the leaping bonfire,
I am the candle flames, I am your brightest passion.
I am the west wind, I am the sun sleeping,
I am the water flowing, I am the voice that’s weeping.
I am the north wind, I am the earth below you,
I am the bull at midnight, I am the living body.
I am the center, I am the Goddess dancing,
I am the heart circle, I am the Horned One singing.
I am the east wind, I am the south wind,
I am the east wind, I am the south wind,
I am the west wind, I am the north wind,
I am the center, I’m right here among you.
I Am The God
By Beverly Cady
I am strong in the name of Wodin,
Pan is the name that sets me free,
I am wise in the name of Osiris,
I am the God and the God is me.
I Am The Ocean
Author Unknown
I am the ocean and the ocean is me,
I am the mother and I am the sea.
Everything opens when I open me,
Everything opens when I open me.
I Am Thee
By Lisa Thiel
I am thee, blessed spirit, I am thee,
I am thee, blessed spirit, I am thee.
I am, I am, blessed spirit I am,
I am, I am, blessed spirit I am.
I Know That You Know
Author Unknown
I know that you know that I love you.
What I want you to know is that I know that you love me.
If The People…
Translation Of Russian Folksong
If the people lived their lives,
As if it were a song, for singing out of light,
Provide the music for the stars
To go dancing circles in the night.
In Beauty
Author Unknown
Now I walk in Beauty,
Beauty is before me,
Beauty is behind me,
Above and below me.
In Peace And Beauty
By Lisa Thiel
In peace and beauty may I walk,
In peace and beauty wander the heavens.
In peace and beauty may I walk,
In peace and beauty wander the earth.
In peace, in peace may I wander,
With beauty with beauty may I wander.
In peace, in peace may I wander,
With beauty with beauty may I wander.
I’m In You
Author Unknown
You are my father, you are my brother,
You are my lover and my friend.
You’re the beginning, you are the center,
And you are beyond the end.
And I love you so, you help me see.
To see you in all is to see you in me.
I’m in you and you’re in me.
I’m in you and you’re in me.
Other verses:
Brother, father, lover, friend;
Diana, Esmerelda, Isis, friend;
Buddha, Krishna, Christ, friend;
Ocean, mountain, sky, friend.
You are my brother, you are my sister,
You are the sun, you are the moon,
You are beginning, you are the center,
and I will always sing in tune.
The petals of the lotus, they are many,
But the flower is just one.
Philosophies, religions, there are many,
But the truth, there is just one.
John, Come Kiss Me Now
by Allan Troxler, 1978, Running Water Rounds
John, come kiss me now.
Once again for our love gentle.
John, come kiss me now!
Transcription in PDF format
Audio piano in MP3 format
Audio singing lesson in MP3 format
Kali Ma
By Sparky T. Rabbit, 1982
Dark mother, Kali Ma
Dark mother Earth
As we approach summer
The changer who brings death
The changer who brings death
Dark of the moon, wisdom’s question.
Dark mother, Kali Ma Kali
Black mother, Kali Ma
Dark mother, Kali Ma Kali
Black mother, Kali Ma
Grandmother Earth
You are our hope and our fear
Kore Chant
By Starhawk, et. al.
She changes everything she touches, and
Everything she touches changes.
She changes everything she touches, and
Everything she touches changes.
Her name cannot be spoken,
Her face was not forgotten,
Her power is to open,
Her promise can never be broken.
Her sick she deeply buries,
She weaves the web of seasons,
Her secret darkness carries,
Her secret darkness carries,
She loves beyond all reason.
A sleeping sea she wakens,
Her rainbow is her token,
Now winter’s power is taken,
In love all chains are broken.
Everything lost is found again
In a new form, in a new way.
Everything hurt is healed again
In a new time, in a new day.
Bright as a flower and strong as a tree,
With our love and with our rage,
Breaking our chains so we can be free,
With our love and with our rage.
We are Changers,
Everything we touch can change,
We are Changers,
Everything we touch can change.
Alternate verses and counterpoints:
Author Unknown
There is a woman, who weaves the night sky,
See how she spins, watch her fingers fly,
She is within us, beginning to end,
Our grandmother, our sister, our friend.
She is the needle and we are the thread,
She is the weaver, and we are her web.
by Orion Stormcrow
He is the horned one, see him prance by,
Hear how he laughs, watch his cloven hooves fly,
He is within us, beginning to end,
Our grandfather, our brother, our friend.
He is the brave one, he takes the chance,
He is the dancer and we are his dance.
He dances with everything he touches and
Everything he touches dances.
Lady Of The Flowing Waters
By Lisa Thiel
Lady of the flowing waters,
Lady of the mountains,
Lady of the flowering meadows,
lady of the forest.
The Goddess is in everything,
In every form of nature.
The Goddess is in everything,
In every form of beauty.
Lady of the shining stars,
Lady of the moonlight,
Lady of the dew at sawn,
Lady of the twilight.
Last Night
Compliments Of Proudpansy
Last night I came right home and masturbated,
It felt so good, I knew it would.
I laughed and screamed and touched myself all over,
It felt so nice, I did it twice…
At first I really got into the short strokes,
It felt so neat, I used my feet,
And then, I really got into the long strokes,
It felt so grand, I used my hand.
Short strokes, long strokes, tingling all around,
In, out, up, down, my feet just left the ground.
And then I huffed, and then I puffed,
And then I shook, and then I came.
Caught my breath and took a rest and started in again!
Laughter Makes
by Allan Troxler, 1978, Running Water Rounds
Laughter makes the world go round,
So the wise men say.
Laughter is the recipe to make us all feel gay.
Ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha
Ho ho ho ho, ho ho ho!
Transcription in PDF format
Audio in MP3 format
Leaper In The Corn
Horned One, Lover’s son.
Leaper in the corn,
Deep in the Mother,
Die and be reborn.
Let’s Go Down
Author Unknown
As I went down to the water to pray,
Searching to find
a whole new way,
Who shall wear the stars
and the crown,
Oh, friends, won’t you
show me the way!
Oh, brothers, let’s go down.
Come on down, won’t you hurry on down.
Oh, brothers, let’s go down,
Down to the water to pray.
Light Is Returning
Author Unknown
Light is returning,
Even though it is the darkest night,
No one can hold back the dawn.
Let’s keep it burning,
Let’s keep the flame of hope alive,
Let’s make a journey through the storm.
One planet is turning,
Circles on her path around the sun,
Earth-Mother is calling her children home.
Light One Candle
Author Unknown
Light one candle, pass the light on,
Kindle some hope, before our hope is gone.
Sing out a song of peace, ’till we sing with one voice.
Light one candle, pass the light on.
Listen, Brother (Listen Listen Listen)
Author Unknown
Listen, Brother, listen to my heartsong.
Listen, Brother, listen to my heartsong.
I will never forget you, I will never forsake you.
I will never forget you, I will never forsake you.
Listen, Brother, listen to my heartsong.
Listen, Brother, listen to my heartsong.
I will always love you, I will always honor you,
I’ll always love you, I will always honor you.
Transcription in PDF format
Audio in MP3 format
The Lone Wolf
There was a lone wolf in a cold blue landscape
Ripping off in pieces the cycles of days
The skinny carnivore with no rabbits left
Was howling for help, was howling his pain
You freed that wolf
With your Faeryness
You freed that wolf
From his loneliness
Since you’re in the picture, Faery Godmothers
Throwing all your dust into the wild wind
Since you dance around making him dance too
Feeding him with love, no more anger-storms
You freed that wolf
With your Faeryness
You freed that wolf
From his loneliness
And now that he knows you, now that he can see you
Flying all over the sky, crowding in the world
He got to the strange point of understanding
That you’ve always been there, and always will be
You freed that wolf
With your Faeryness
You freed that wolf
From his loneliness
Now he’s still a Lone Wolf but the landscape has switched
From the cold blue moutains to a hot red beach
And the Wolf has seen so so many colours
That he finally leaves the rabbits in peace
You freed that wolf
With your Faeryness
You freed that wolf
From his lonelinessss
Long Wing Feathers
Adapted from an Arapaho song
Wearing our long wing feathers as we fly,
Wearing our long wing feathers as we fly,
We circle around, we circle around,
The boundaries of the Earth,
The boundless Universe.
Wearing my long tail feathers as I fly,
Wearing my long tail feathers as I fly,
I circle around, I circle around,
The boundaries of the Earth,
The boundless Universe.
Transcription in PDF format
Audio in MP3 format
The Long Time Sun
Author Unknown
May the long time sun shine upon you,
Pure love surround you,
May the pure light within you
Guide your way home.
Love As A River
By Loren Lightbeam
Love as a river, flowing from my heart, flowing from my heart.
Love like the waves of the sea,
Washing over you and washing over me.
Love Is To Give Away
Author Unknown
Love is something if you give it away, give it away, give it away.
Love is something if you give it away, you wind up having more.
Love Round
See Also Dear Friends, A Fae Adaptation
Author Unknown
Love, love, love, love,
People we are made for love,
Love each other as thyself,
For we are one.
Rose, rose, rose, rose,
Let my heart be as a rose,
That I may offer love’s sweet fragrance,
To this, thy garden.
Peace, peace, peace, peace,
Wars have been and wars must cease,
We must learn to live together,
Peace, peace, peace.
Love Temple
My Hopes are always flying high, living in a sunny mountain
above the clouds, they’re out of sight, they never know what happens here..
My Fears are swimming in the depths, living in a dark cold abyss
under the bellies of big whales, they never know what happens here..
I am building a Love Temple, here in between my Hopes and Fears
’cause when they go out and about they need some quiet place to meet
I want to build it big and strong, so if they fight it will stay still,
containing their brightest energies, calming them down by not moving
I want to build it resilient, with a few walls made of cuddles,
and big windows made of kisses, turning the sunlight into love
I am building a Love Temple, here in between my Hopes and Fears
’cause when they go out and about they need some quiet place to meet
The walls are there, the windows ready, there is no roof there is no floor
That is because each is a door from which Hopes and Fears can appear
I’ve been working hard and I keep going, seems like the work will never end
I keep throwing magic cushions in, they hide and wait, twiddling tassels..
I am building a Love Temple, here in between my Hopes and Fears
’cause when they go out and about they need some quiet place to meet…
I am building a Love Temple, here in between my Hopes and Fears
’cause when they go out and about they need some quiet place… to meet…
Lu The Sun King
By Raven Moonshadow
Tell me why, Oh, tell me why,
Must the clouds come to darken the sky.
This is the wake of Lu the Sun King,
He lost his life on the Solstice Day.
This is the wake of Lu the Sun King,
He steps into the dark and lights the way.
Lord of the Dance
adapted from Methodist hymn
Dance, dance, wherever you may be,
For I am the Lord of the Dance, said he.
I live in you as you live in me,
And I lead you all in the dance, said he.
When she danced on the waters and the wind was her horn,
The Lady laughed and everything was born.
And when she lit the sun and the light gave him birth,
The Lord of the Dance then appeared on the Earth.
I dance in the circle when the flames leap up high,
I dance in fire and I never, never die.
I dance on the waves on the bright summer sea,
For I am the Lord of the waves’ mystery.
I sleep in the kernel and I dance in the rain,
I dance in the wind and through the waving grain.
And when you cut me down, I care nothing for the pain,
In the Spring I’m the Lord of the Dance once again.
I dance at the Sabbat when you dance out the spell,
I dance and sing that everyone be well.
And when the dancing’s over, do not think I’m gone,
To love is to dance, so I dance on and on.
(final chorus)
Lotus Goddess
By Lisa Thiel
Lotus goddess, lotus goddess, lotus goddess, lotus goddess,
Playing the divine music,
Singing the song of creation,
Lotus goddess, lotus goddess, lotus goddess, lotus goddess,
Awakening sounds of compassion,
Sleeping within our hearts.
Singing to the light of a thousand suns,
Singing the song of the blessed one.
Light of the spirits surround you,
A waterfall of radiance.
Make New Friends
Author Unknown
Make new friends, but keep the old,
Some are silver, the others are gold.
Many Ways, Many Names
Author Unknown
One God, many ways,
One Goddess, many names.
From the center all has come,
To the center all will go.
One love, many ways,
One source, many names.
Look within you for the center,
Feel the oneness of the flow.
May The Circle Be Open
Author Unknown
May the circle be open, but unbroken,
May the peace of the Goddess grow in our hearts.
Merrie meet and Merrie part and
Merrie meet again.
Blessed Be
Blessed Be
Blessed Be.
A common variation on this chant is “Merry Meet, and Merry Part, and Mary Tyler Moore”.
May The Circle Be Unbroken
By Roz, Wings Of Vanthi
May the circle be unbroken,
Through the seasons of rebirth.
May her love bind us together,
All children of the Earth.
Midwinter Song
By Reclaiming
We return again,
To be born again.
We turn toward the light
Through the darkest night.
Moon Chant
By Susan Arrow
She is within us,
She shines upon us,
Goddess of night, Goddess of light,
Always the same but everchanging…
Moon White Lily
By Co’Lo’neh, 1988
Moon so bright, lily white,
Shining in the nighttime, bringing back the light,
Shine on us brightly, shine on us clearly,
Bringing back the light, the wisdom of the night.
Moon so bright, lily white,
See your children dancing underneath your light.
Shine on us brightly, shine on us clearly,
Bringing back the light, the wisdom of the night.
Moon so bright, lily white,
All your children gathering in the mid of night,
Shine on us brightly, shine on us clearly,
Bringing back the light, the wisdom of the night.
The Moon Song
By Sparky T. Rabbit, 1983
And the full moon is a vagina spread wide.
And the full moon is a vagina spread wide.
With the wild realm of all possibilities,
Every possibility pouring out.
And the old mom is a woman who weaves.
And the old mom is a woman who weaves.
The heart promises, whispered by the shadow bright,
She will take you by the hand into the night.
And the new moon is a cradle in spring.
And the new moon is a cradle in spring.
And the violet blooms, and the infant sees the sun,
Touch the earth and feel the seed growing out.
The old moon is the edge of a knife.
The old moon is the edge of a knife.
And the child dies, and the lover goes away.
In the darkness of the stars – a going out.
And the new moon wears the horns of the god.
And the new moon wears the horns of the god.
He’s the cup of wine and the rain upon the rose,
He’s the sweet salt taste that lies on passion’s breast.
And the old moon is an eye in the dark.
And the old moon is an eye in the dark.
And the sleeper wakes, the illusion fades away,
As the spider spins, here comes another day.
And the new moon has her hand on a bow.
And the new moon has her hand on a bow.
And the hunter aims and the arrow flies away,
She is flying on a path to your heart.
My Spirit’s In The Sky
Author Unknown
My spirit’s in the sky, sky, sky.
My feet are on the ground, ground, ground.
And what about my blood? It’s from the sea.
And what about my bones? Like the mountains be.
And my hands, oh, my hands,
I believe in my hands I can hold the earth,
My two hands hold the earth.
My two hands hold the earth.
Moon Mother
By Lisa Thiel
Oh, Moon Mother, Light of the night,
Stars, who are your company dance with you.
Teach us the mystery of your dance,
That we may be in harmony with you,
Learn to give away and renew.
Oh, Moon Mother your loving gaze falls
Softly on the sacred mountains.
Moon Mother, your shining gaze falls
Softly on the sacred oceans.
Sacred ones dance in the light of the night,
Dancing in harmony with you.
Ocean waves dance in the light of the night,
Teaching us to give away and renew.
Mother Of All Things
By Lisa Thiel
Oh, mother, mother, mother of all things.
Oh, mother, mother, mother of all things.
Oh, mother, mother, mother of all things
Oh, mother, mother, mother of all things
Oh, mother, mother, let peace be with us
Oh, mother, mother, let peace be with us
Oh, mother, mother, let balance be with us
Oh, mother, mother, let balance be with us
Oh, mother, mother, let strength be with us
Oh, mother, mother, let strength be with us
Oh, mother, mother, let love be with us
Oh, mother, mother, let love be with us
Oh, mother, mother, let wisdom be with us
Oh, mother, mother, let wisdom be with us
Oh, mother, mother, mother of all things
Oh, mother, mother, mother of all things
My Body is a Temple
My body is a living temple of love
My body is a living temple of love
My body is the body of the goddess
My body is the body of the goddess
Oh, oh, oh I am what I am
Oh, oh, oh I am what I am
Never Turning Back
By Judy Small
We’re gonna keep on walking forward,
Keep on walking forward,
Keep on walking forward.
Never turning back, never turning back.
Also try: Standing proudly, singing loudly, loving boldly.
Ocean Love
By Charlie Murphy
Ohhhh, mother ocean-love,
Ocean-love, ocean-love,
Ode To Lupin
By Emerald, For The Wings And Waves Gathering, Fall 1990
Lupin, Lupin, lovely, loving Lupin.
Lupin, Lupin, lovely, loving Lupin.
(Repeat melody once with bells, once humming)
On mountain tops and hillocks, too,
There’s a faerie in the dew.
Dressed in pink, purple and rose,
Through him to us Pan’s love flows.
He comes each spring up on the hill,
With ribbons bright, greeting the May.
Come summer’s heat he’s with us still,
Filling the air with cedar and sage.
“Come fall,” says he, “my brothers fae
Go somewhere and there they stay.
Why don’t they come out to play?
Let’s do a dance of wings and waves!”
O! Great Pan! Our God divine –
We thank you for our songs and kin.
we thank you for these limbs entwined,
And for lovely, loving Lupin.
Oh, Goddess
By Owlsong
Oh, Goddess, the Goddess is within,
Oh, Goddess, the Goddess is without,
Inside, outside, all around, about,
Inside, outside, all around, about.
Onward Dykes
by the Her-Singing Chorus
published by Proud Pansy Productions
Onward dykes and faggots
Out into the fray
Come out to declare we’re
Happy to be gay.
Our rights have been denied us
Kept from us too long
We come out together
Together we are strong.
One With Thee
By M. Melton
Love is the ocean, love is the ocean,
I am one with thee.
Once a tiny lake and now a mighty sea,
Oh, love, I am one with thee.
Shanti is the ocean, Ananda is the ocean,
I am one with thee.
Once a tiny lake and now a mighty sea,
Oh, peace, I am one with thee.
Open Hearts
By Emerald
Open hearts, open hearts,
Open up that part of you to me.
Open My Robe
Author Unknown
Everything that dies is reborn
Everything that dies is reborn
There is no end
There is no end
I can open my robe, I can let go of fear.
There’s no need to fear,
There’s nothing here to fear.
Out Of The Darkness
By Graham Conner
Out of the darkness comes the fear of what’s to come,
Out of the darkness comes the dread of what’s undone,
Out of the darkness comes the hope that we can run,
And out of the darkness comes our knowledge of the sun.
Darkness is a place of birth, darkness is the womb,
Darkness is a place of rest, darkness is the tomb.
Death is part of life, half of day is night,
We need not fear the darkness, but a blinding flash of light.
Out of the darkness comes the fear of the unknown,
Out of the darkness comes the dread of bleaching bone,
Out of the darkness comes the hope that we’re not alone,
And out of the darkness grows seeds that we have sown.
By Mark Wirth, 1988
Welcome, Namu, endless ocean,
Mother of infinity,
Blowing tides and surging currents,
Hear my song, O! be with me.
Welcome East, O welcome Elil,
Father of the day’s beginning,
Strength of stone, caress of breezes,
Hear my song, O! be with me.
Welcome South, O welcome Annu,
Keeper of the crowning stars,
Lord of all the distant fires,
Fan the flame within my heart.
Welcome West, O welcome Ee-ya,
Lord of magic, Lord of springs,
Wisdom in the rolling river,
Hear my song, O! be with me.
Welcome North, O Nin-who-saga,
Strength of stone and grace of tree,
Emerald lady of the mountains,
Hear my song, O! be with me.
Now we are as one together,
We are now one family.
All of earth and Gods forever,
In the way that it should be.
Plea For One World
Author Unknown
A plea for one world is sung in many different lands:
Here is a plea from a world that is hungry for peace.
The Power To Change
By Starhawk
The god who is tender, yet untamed,
Who touches what is deep and soft within,
Be with us as we lay the weapons down,
For ours is the power of change.
Prayer Of Peace
By Lisa Thiel
Deep peace of the running wave to you,
Deep peace of the silent stars.
Deep peace of the flowing air to you,
Deep peace of the quiet Earth.
May peace, may peace, may peace fill your soul.
Let peace, let peace, let peace make you whole.
Purple God
By Sparky T. Rabbit, 1987
Purple god, queer god, Open heart and passions flame
Purple god, queer god, Come, we call your holy name
Purple god, queer god, Your light the spark, you fan the fire
Purple god, queer god, Steep our senses in desire
Purple god, queer god, Come with us where’er we roam
Purple god, queer god, Guide us to our lovely home
Queer God
By Sparky T. Rabbit, 1987
Purple god, queer god,
Green god, faerie god,
Golden god, faggot god,
Come and be with us.
Radiant Light
Author Unknown
Powerful song of radiant light,
Weave us a web that spins the night,
Web of stars that holds the dark,
Weave us the earth that feeds the spark.
Strand by strand, hand over hand,
Thread by thread, we weave the web.
Rainbow Woman
By Lisa Thiel
Rainbow woman, rainbow woman, rainbow woman,
Shining being, eternally wise,
Dancing across the ancient skies,
Rainbow woman, please come,
Bring your healing light to me,
Rainbow woman, please come,
Restore the beauty within me,
Rainbow woman, rainbow woman, rainbow woman, rainbow woman.
Creation mother, shines with moon beams
Planting the seeds of sacred dreams.
Rainbow woman, please come
Wisdom woman come to me,
Rainbow woman, please come,
Restore the beauty within me.
Rainbow woman, rainbow woman, rainbow woman, rainbow woman.
Rainbow Trail
By Lisa Thiel
I walk the rainbow trail,
Hey-ye the beauty way,
Hey-ye the beauty way,
I walk the rainbow trail,
Hey-ye the beauty way,
Hey-ye the beauty way,
I walk the sacred dog trail,
Hey-ye the beauty way,
Hey-ye the beauty way,
I walk the sacred dog trail,
Hey-ye the beauty way,
Hey-ye the beauty way,
I walk the twilight trail,
Hey-ye the beauty way,
Hey-ye the beauty way,
I walk the twilight trail,
Hey-ye the beauty way,
Hey-ye the beauty way,
Sacred outcomes, they sing to me,
Hey-ye the beauty way,
Hey-ye the beauty way,
Brings me dreams, sets me free,
Hey-ye the beauty way,
Hey-ye the beauty way,
The Return
By Joan Halifax And The Medicine Wheel Group
The Earth, the Air, the Fire, the Water,
Return, return, return, return,
The Earth, the Air, the Fire, the Water,
Return, return, return
The owls, the wolves, the foxes, the bears
The paper, the glass, the metal, the plastic.
Raven And Eagle
By Co’Lo’Neh
Raven, raven in the sky,
Raven, raven flying by,
Raven, raven, come to me,
Raven, raven, help me see.
Eagle, eagle, Oh, so high!
Eagle, eagle in the sky.
Eagle, eagle, come to me,
Eagle, eagle, set me free.
Author Unknown
Return, return, return:
Return to the Mother.
Return, return, return:
Return to the Mother.
All over the world,
the waters are breaking.
The waters are breaking
all over the world.
Rise With The Fire
By Starhawk
We can rise with the fire of freedom,
Truth is the fire that burns our chains.
And we can stop the fire of destruction,
Healing is the fire burning through our veins.
The River Is Flowing
Author Unknown
The river is flowing,
flowing and growing,
The river is flowing,
back to the sea.
Mother, carry me, child I will always be,
Mother, carry me back to the sea.
The Sacred Mystery
By Lisa Thiel
HO! The sacred mystery,
Follow the path of mystery,
HO! The sacred mystery,
Behold the sacred mystery.
We are humans with our humanity,
We don’t know when we don’t see,
HO! The sacred mystery,
Follow the path of mystery,
HO! The sacred mystery,
Behold the sacred mystery.
Oh, let us be in harmony,
And let us walk in beauty.
HO! The sacred mystery,
Follow the path of mystery,
HO! The sacred mystery,
Behold the sacred mystery.
Author Unknown
We gather at the sabbats,
The turning of the wheel,
You might see us dancing
When the moon is full.
We call upon the Lady
And Lord of rebirth,
You might hear us chanting,
Deep within the Earth.
Air, Fire, Water, Earth,
Elements of our earthly birth,
Join our circle, here and now,
Come to us, come to us.
Between the worlds, in love and trust,
The powers we invoke,
Energy is rising,
As we call them forth.
Give thanks to the Lady
And Lord of rebirth,
And the elementals
For the bounty of birth.
Mother, Goddess, Divine One,
Father, Son, Horned One,
Bless this circle, here and now,
Come to us, come to us.
Seven God Chant
By Charlie Murphy
Pan Poseidon Dionysus Cernunnos Mithras Loki Apollo
Transcription in pdf format
Audio in MP3 format
Seven Goddess Chant
By Deana Metzger
Isis Astarte Diana Hecate Demeter Kali Inana
Hand motions:
Isis (fingers make HORNS)
Astarte (point at the STARS)
Diana (draw back a BOW)
Hecate (walk with a CANE)
Demeter (hands grow up like PLANTS)
Kali (swing ARMS)
Inana (rub WOMB)
Transcription in pdf format
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Seven Fabrics Chant
By Various Faeries, similar to Seven Goddess Chant
Lycra, Spandex, Dacron, Polyester
Nylon, Orlon, Quiana
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Shamanistic Journey
Lyrics By Susan Arrow, sung to the tune of Sentimental Journey
Midnight, that’s the time we’ll meet,
At midnight,
Leave our bodies by the firelight,
Journey once again,
The road spirals out and back within.
I’m gonna take a shamanistic journey,
Gonna fly on the astral plane,
Haven’t thought I might not be returning,
Comin’ home to me again.
I’ll beat the drum for hour after hour,
‘Till I fall into a trance.
I’m gonna find my own subconscious power,
Joinin’ in the spiral dance.
Gonna chant, gonna shake my rattle,
Keeping time with the moon and stars,
I might range to London or Seattle,
Tibet or Luna, Venus or Mars
She Comes As A Wave
By Heragano
She comes as a wave from the cauldron of the ocean,
Swept to the shore, transformed once more.
She Harbors Me
Author Unknown
She harbors me, she harbors me,
This Earth, my mother, she harbors me.
By Duane Worthington
I am the North Wind,
I am the rain that falls,
I ride the wings of eagles,
O’er the sands of time.
Come with me soaring,
Into the sky,
Above the lakes and mountains,
Fly with me,
Float with me,
Feel with all my heart,
See it as it is.
Descend with me now for
A walk in the wood,
We see the small ones,
They see us as they should,
I am the soil,
My bones are rocky crags,
Flowing streams are my blood.
I am a green plant,
I grow strong in the Earth
My time is forest season,
And my life complete.
I am a tree,
I see far and long,
The forest is forever,
Mother Nature is forever.
I am an eagle,
I fly in the sun,
I sleep under the stars.
I am sustained
By the food I hunt.
I live in field and tree.
I am a shaman,
I have the power
To create and to destroy
Which one will it be?
Light can show the way.
Love can show the way.
Love will show the way.
She’s Been Waiting
By Paula Wallowics, Copyright 1979
She’s been waiting, waiting,
She’s been waiting so long,
She’s been waiting for her children
To remember, to return.
Blessed be and blessed are the lovers of the lady,
Blessed be and blessed are the mother, maiden, crone,
Blessed be and blessed are those who dance together,
Blessed be and blessed are those who dance alone.
She’s been waiting, waiting,
She’s been waiting so long,
She’s been waiting for her children
To remember, to return.
Blessed be and blessed are those who work in silence,
Blessed be and blessed are those who shout and scream,
Blessed be and blessed are the movers and the changers,
Blessed be and blessed are the dreamer and the dream.
Bridge, by Lunacy:
To remember her shining face
To remember her dark embrace,
To remember the power within their hand.
To remember her shining face,
To remember her dark embrace,
To remember the passion within their hand.
Shine, Shine, Shine
Author Unknown
Shine, shine, shine,
Oh, bright, shining, swift-horned one.
Ahirra Mazda!
Silver Shining Wheel
By Peter Soderberg
Holy maiden, huntress, Artemis, Artemis,
Maiden, come to us. (3x)
Silver shining wheel of radiance, radiance
Mother, come to us. (3x)
Ancient queen of wisdom, Hecate, Ceridwen,
Old one, come to us. (3x)
Holy shining sunlight, radiant, radiant,
Brother, come to us. (3x)
Silver shining wheel of radiance, radiance,
Mother, come to us. (until…
Snake Woman
By Starhawk
Snake woman,
shedding her skin,
Snake woman,
Shedding her skin,
Shedding, shedding,
Shedding her skin,
Shedding, shedding,
Shedding her skin.
(Repeat w/harmony)
Bird woman,
Taking flight,
Bird woman,
Taking flight,
Taking, taking,
Taking flight
Taking, taking,
Taking flight
(Repeat w/harmony)
Other verses:
Star, shining bright
Blossom, opening wide
Moon, riding the night
By Raven Moonshadow
Solid as a rock,
Safe within a harbor,
Ancient as a stone,
Strong as the sea,
Solid as a rock,
Set deep within the Mother,
And water that flows round me.
Song To Inanna
By Lisa Thiel
I am your child, O ancient mother,
I am the child of the mother of the world.
Oh, Inanna, Oh, Inanna, Oh, Inanna,
Teaches you, teaches us
to die, be reborn, and rise again,
Die, be reborn, and rise again,
Die be reborn, and rise.
Spirit Of The Plants
By Lisa Thiel
The spirit of the plants has come to me
In the form of a beautiful, dancing green woman.
The spirit of the plants has come to me
In the form of a beautiful, dancing green woman.
Her eyes fill me with peace, her dance fills me with peace,
Her eyes fill me with peace, her dance fills me with peace.
This spirit of the plants has come to me
And has blessed me with great peace.
The spirit of the plants has come to me
And has blessed me with great peace.
Her eyes fill me with peace, her dance fills me with peace,
Her eyes fill me with peace, her dance fills me with peace.
Spirit Of The Wind
By Shelly Jakobsen
Spirit of the Wind, carry me,
Spirit of the Wind, carry me home,
Spirit of the Wind, carry me home to myself.
Spirit of the Moon, carry me,
Spirit of the Moon, carry me home,
Spirit of the Moon, carry me home to myself.
Spirit of the Sun, carry me,
Spirit of the Sun, carry me home,
Spirit of the Sun, carry me home to myself.
Summer Solstice Power Chant
By Starhawk
We are the power in everyone,
We are the dance of the moon and sun.
We are the hope that will not hide,
We are the turning of the tide.
Sure As The Wind
Author Unknown
Sure as the wind,
My brothers, and
Sure as the rain,
Sure as the sun does shine,
We will raise our song again.
Spirits, Carry Me
By John Seed of Earth First
Spirit of the East, carry me,
Spirit of the East, carry me home,
Spirit of the East, carry me home to myself.
Spirit of the wind, the new day begins,
Spirit of air, breath of life we share,
Spirit of the East, carry me home to myself.
Spirit of the South, carry me,
Spirit of the South, carry me home,
Spirit of the South, carry me home to myself.
Spirit of the fire, strength of desire,
Spirit of the hearth, wrap me in your warmth,
Spirit of the South, carry me home to myself.
Spirit of the West, carry me,
Spirit of the West, carry me home,
Spirit of the West, carry me home to myself.
Spirit of the oceans, depth of emotion,
Spirit of the rain, bringing growth and change,
Spirit of the West, carry me home to myself.
Spirit of the North, carry me,
Spirit of the North, carry me home,
Spirit of the North, carry me home to myself.
Spirit of the earth, of death and rebirth,
Spirit of the trees, of root and branch and leaves,
Spirit of the North, carry me home to myself.
Stonewall Girls
By Those At The FAG Event, NYC June 1989
We are the Stonewall girls,
We wear our hair in curls,
We wear no underwear,
We show our pubic hair.
Strolling Song
By Marianna Evans
Oo, oo, I come to you, singing as I’m strolling,
Oo, oo, I come to you, with loving and alarming.
Oo, oo, I come to you, underneath the moonlight,
Oo, oo, I come to you, gazing at the stars bright.
Sufi Memorial Song
Author Unknown
Return again, return again, return to the land of your soul. (3x)
Return to where you are,
Return to what you are,
Return to who you are,
Born and reborn again.
Summer Solstice God Song
By Susan Stern And Bonnie Barnett
You are free, forever searching,
You are free, forever found,
Joined in sex, I am consumed,
Joined in love, I am unbound
Take My Hand
by Peter Burkholder
published by Proud Pansy Productions
Take my hand and I’m happy
Hold me close and we’ll celebrate
I’m so glad to be with you
We’ve come a long, long way.
Come and join in the circle
Strong and centered and powerful
We have come to do magic
Where we all are happy and gay
Where we all are happy and gay.
Teddy Bears’ Picnic
By Kennedy And Bratton
If you go down in the woods today,
You’re in for a big surprise.
If you go down in the woods today,
You’d better go in disguise.
For every bear that ever there was
Is gathered there, for certain, because
Today’s the day the teddy bears have their picnic.
If you go down in the woods today,
You’d better not go alone.
It’s lovely down in the woods today,
But safer to stay at home.
Beneath the trees where nobody sees,
They hide and seek as much as they please,
That’s the way the teddy bears have their picnic.
Picnic time for teddy bears,
Those little teddy bears
Are having a wonderful time today.
See them frolic unaware,
And watch them picnic on their holiday.
See them gaily gad about,
They love to sing and shout,
They never have any cares.
At six o’clock, mommies and daddies
Will take them home to bed.
Because they’re tired little teddy bears.
Every teddy bear who’s been good
Is sure of a treat today.
There’s lots of wonderful things to eat
And wonderful games to play.
Beneath the trees where nobody sees,
They hide and seek as much as they please,
That’s the way the teddy bears have their picnic.
Thank The Source
Author Unknown
We thank the Source
From which we came,
You and I must be the same.
We thank the Source
From which we came,
Rivers go on flowing.
River go on flowing,
Rivers flow on endlessly.
Rivers go on flowing,
River flow on endlessly.
And I call your Name,
And I call your Name!
Thank You Mother Earth
By Susan Arrow
Thank you, Mother Earth,
Thank you, Sister Water,
Thank you for our birth,
Thank you from your sons and daughters!
Thank you, Father Sun,
Thank you, Air in motion,
Thank you, everyone:
Earth, Air, Sun and Ocean!
Kawashaway North Woods Faerie Tribe
The Faggot God is here,
He gives us courage.
The Faggot God is here,
He give us life.
And we will not be afraid,
No, we will not be afraid.
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There Is No End To The Circle
By Starhawk
There is no end to the circle, no end,
There is no end to life, no end.
And you can see the power in your eyes,
When they are mirrored by a friend.
And you hear the power in your voice,
And feel it in each breath you breathe in.
And you can know the power in your heart,
When it beats with the heart of a friend,
And you can feel the power in your hand,
Reach out and take the hand of a friend,
(Reach out and take the power to begin.)
Time To Love
By Deena Metzger
There are those who want to set fire to the world,
We are in danger.
There is only time to work slowly,
There is no time not to love.
‘Tis A Gift
Old Shaker Song
‘Tis a gift to be simple, ’tis a gift to be free,
‘Tis a gift to come round where we ought to be.
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
We will be in the valley of love and delight.
When true simplicity is gained,
To bow and to bend we shan’t be ashamed.
To turn, to turn, will be our delight,
’til by turning, turning we come round right.
Repeat first verse
Touching Her Deep
By Feather Singing
Touching her deep,
Deep in our center,
Touching her deep,
Deep in our Center.
Vine And Fig Tree
Author Unknown
And everyone ‘neath the vine and fig tree
Shall live in peace and unafraid.
And everyone ‘neath the vine and fig tree
Shall live in peace and unafraid.
Into plowshares turn our swords.
Nations shall make war no more.
Into plowshares turn our swords.
People shall make war no more.
Vision Song
By Changing Woman, 1988.
I see as lover sees, the Seeing Eye of the lover of sight.
I see as lover sees, the Seeing Eye of the lover of sight.
Try replacing underlined pairs; some suggestions:
eagle, eagle in flight
raven, raven so bright
bear, bear of might
spider, bringer of light
snow seal, dancer on white
wild wolf, singer at night
mountain goat, prancer of height
The Walls
By Rick Hamouris
The only walls around your heart,
Were built by you so let them part.
The gates between us open wide,
To see the love that’s deep inside.
The roses grow from moon to moon,
Now perfumed petals hide the doom.
In search of that we sometimes meet,
The pain will never stay our need.
So here we stand and wonder why,
Our roots below, heads in the sky.
A child is filled with living light,
To cast by day and work by night.
A magic ship surrounds the world,
A silken banner now unfurled.
Join hearts with those above
In perfect trust and perfect love.
Waltzing With Bears
By Dr. Seuss
He goes wa-wa-wa-wa-wa waltzing with bears,
Raggy bears, shaggy bears, faggy bears, too.
And there’s nothing on earth Uncle Walter won’t do.
So, he can go waltzing, wa-wa-wa waltzing,
He can go waltzing, go waltzing with bears.
I went into his room in the middle of the night.
I tiptoed inside and I turned on the light.
but to my dismay, he was nowhere in sight,
For my Uncle Walter goes waltzing at night.
I bought Uncle Walter a new coat to wear,
But when he comes home, it’s all covered with hair.
And lately, I’ve noticed several new tears,
I’m sure Uncle Walter’s been waltzing with bears.
We told Uncle Walter that he should be good,
And to all the things that we say that he should.
But I know that he’d rather be off in the woods,
I’m afraid we shall lose Uncle Walter for good!
We begged and we pleaded, “Oh, please won’t you stay?”
And managed to keep him at home for a day.
But the bears all barged in and they took him away,
Now he’s dancing with pandas, and we don’t understand it,
But the bears all demand at least one waltz a day.
Way Of The Heart
Author Unknown
Let the way of the heart,
Let the way of the heart,
Let the way of the heart shine through.
Love upon love upon love,
All hearts beating as one.
Light upon light upon light,
All disappear into you.
Warriors Of The Heart
By Steven Longfellow Fiske
Warriors of the heart,
Standing in the truth of who we are.
Called forth by vision,
Sworn to play our part,
We are warriors,
Warriors of the heart.
When warriors of yesterday would sound the battle cry,
Readying their weapons for the fit,
For victory and glory they’d be prepared to die,
A test of skill, bravery and might.
But the deeper battle is not of swords or guns,
Or even who is right or who is wrong.
The battle is within us, in becoming who we are,
And hearing inner guidance clear and strong.
Whom we fight is not a nation or a man
but the legacy of fear and doubt and shame.
And, though the inner struggle is not fought with fire and steel,
The courage that it takes is just the same.
All for one, one for all,
Blessed with the sacred gift of birth,
We claim our destiny,
As children of the sun,
One family sharing Mother Earth.
Hey, Great Spirit, hey, Great Spirit, speak to me,
In the mountains, in the valley, sky and sea.
In the four directions and the high and low,
In the heartbeat, in the breath, in all I know.
Hey, Great Spirit, hey, Great Spirit, move through me,
Walk my feet upon the Earth in harmony,
Fill my heart with love to serve and give,
Fill my mind with wisdom so in truth I live,
Hey, Great Spirit, hey, Great Spirit, speak to me.
Hey, Great Spirit, hey, Great Spirit, move through me.
We All Come From the Goddess
Original Words And Tune By Z. Budapest And Ian Corrigan
sung as a round
We all come from the Goddess,
and to her we shall return,
Like a drop of rain,
Flowing to the ocean.
Hoof and horn, hoof and horn,
All that dies shall be reborn.
Corn and grain, corn and grain,
All that falls shall rise again.
We all come from the Sun God,
and to him we shall return,
Like a spark of flame,
Rising to the heavens.
Wood and stone, wood and stone,
From the earth all things are grown.
Tooth and claw, tooth and claw,
All you want, you now can draw.
We all come from the Horned One
And to him we shall return!
Like a band of faeries
Coming home to Breitenbush
Cock and balls, cock and balls,
Love one brother, love them all
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Audio piano in MP3 format
Audio singing in MP3 format
We Are A Circle
Copyright © 1986 by Rick Hamouris. All Rights Reserved. Permission Upon Request.
We Are An Old People
By Morning Feather And Will Shepardson
We are an old people,
We are a young people,
We are a new (the same) people,
Braver (Different) than before.
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Audio in MP3 format
We Are Alive
By Rose May Dance And Starhawk
We are alive,
As the Earth is alive.
We have the power,
To fight for our freedom.
If we have courage,
We shall be healers.
Like the sun,
We shall rise.
We Are All One
Translation Of Native Chant
We are all one in the infinite sun
Forever and ever and ever.
We are all one in the infinite sun
Forever and ever and ever.
We Are Faggots
Purple Star Tribe, Dallas, 1971
published by Proud Pansy Productions
Oh, we are faggots
Flaming faggots
We are queens
We are drags
We are fiery fems.
We want to win you
By changing manhood
And start our revolution now.
But if you scorn us
Or try and trash us
Better run, better hide,
Better change your ways
For we will fight you
Until we win you
For we are stronger
than your fears.
But if our flaming
Brings you pleasure
Come out now
Be a queen
Be a fiery fem
And change the world now
By smashing manhood
And make our revolution now.
We Are the Change
We are the change
We are the rising sun
We are the ones we’ve been waiting for
And we are dawning.
We are the change
We are the setting sun
We are the ancestors of tomorrow
And we remember.
(heard sung by a small group of fae in the Wolf Creek kitchen at a Naraya circa 2010)
We Are The Flow
Words By Shekhinah Mountainwater To Traditional Tune
We are the flow
And we are the ebb,
We are the weavers,
We are the web.
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We Are The Power In Everyone
By Reclaiming
We are the power in everyone,
We are the dance of the moon and the sun,
We are the hope that never dies,
We are the turning of the tide.
We Come From The Mountain
Author Unknown
We come from the mountain,
Living on the mountain.
Go back to the mountain,
Turn the world around.
We come from the mountain.
Go back to the mountain.
Turn the world around.
We come from the sky,
Living in the sky,
Go back to the sky,
Turn the world around.
We come from the sky.
Go back to the sky,
Turn the world around.
We Remain Faithful
By Charlie Murphy
We remain faithful
To the work that must be done.
We remain faithful,
Joining heart with everyone.
Pushing through the hard times,
Crying with the sad times,
Party with the good times,
Joining hearts with everyone.
Watch the seasons turning,
Keep the fires burning,
All the while we’re learning,
Joining hearts with everyone.
Standing up to enemies,
Though we stand on shaky knees,
May we set the future free,
Joining hearts with everyone.
The Weenie Man
Author Unknown
I know a weenie man,
He owns a weenie stand,
He sells most everything,
From hot dogs on down.
Someday, I’ll share his life,
I’ll be his weenie wife,
Hot dog! I love that weenie man!
When The Faeries Sing (White Coral Bells)
White coral bells upon a slender stalk,
Lilies of the valley line my garden walk.
Oh, don’t you wish that you could hear them ring –
That will happen only when the faeries sing!
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Where Does It Lead
Where does it lead,
this strange young love of mine?
Only heaven and the lilies know.
Where does it lead,
this strange young love of mine?
Anywhere he takes me I will go.
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Where There’s Fear
By Starhawk
Where there’s fear there is power,
Passion is the healer,
Desire cracks open the gate,
If you’re ready, it’ll take you through.
But, nothing lasts forever,
Time is the destroyer.
The wheel turns again and again,
Watch out, it’ll take you through.
But, nothing dies forever,
Nature is the renewer.
The wheel turns again and again,
If you’re ready it’ll take you through.
White Buffalo Woman
By Lisa Thiel
White Buffalo Woman, I seek thy vision,
White Buffalo Woman, I seek thy grace,
White Buffalo Woman, I seek thy wisdom,
White Buffalo Woman, I seek thy peace.
Fill me with thy vision,
Fill me with thy grace,
Fill me with thy wisdom,
Fill me with thy grace.
You Are Our Loving Mother
Author Unknown
You are our loving Mother,
We are your loving children.
You are the sky beneath us,
You are the sky above.
You are the stars that light our path,
You are Our Loving Mother.
If you have more faerie chants or hymns, or recordings or transcriptions of any of the hymns, please send us a comment below.